Discs that act as shock absorbers and allow your back to move fluidly are situated between the vertebrae of your spine. A bulging disc occurs when one of those discs becomes weak or damaged and moves out of place, swelling through a pocket in the spine and protruding out. This occurs when a disc shifts out of its normal position, typically slowly over an extended period of time, and causes painful symptoms, such as:
Several factors can lead to the development of a bulging disc. General wear and tear is a common cause, as are occupational hazards. If you work a job that requires repetitive lifting, bending, or standing, your risk of developing a bulging disc may be higher than it is for others. Injuries, bad posture, and degenerative disc disease can also result in a bulging disc.
Spinal stenosis is a condition marked by the narrowing of spaces within your spine. It most commonly occurs in the lower back, or the lumbar spine, and the neck, the cervical spine. Wear and tear or changes to your spine related to osteoarthritis typically cause this narrowing of spaces in your spine.
Symptoms can vary, depending on which part of your spine spinal stenosis affects. They often include:
Rheumatoid arthritis is the result of an overactive immune system that attacks the joints and results in uncontrolled inflammation. When a skin rash is also present, it’s called psoriatic arthritis. Dr. Patel treats rheumatoid arthritis with a variety of treatments depending on the location of your condition and the degree of pain. There are multiple prescription medications designed to treat the condition, and steroid injections may also help.
Treatment for bulging discs and spinal stenosis depends on the specifics of your condition and the root cause Dr. Patel uncovers. Medications, such as pain relievers, physical therapy, or steroid injections can reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
Dr. Patel also offers more advanced regenerative medicine treatments, including PRP injections and stem cell therapy, to promote the repair of damaged tissue. She works closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that will produce the best results.
To learn more about treatment options available for spinal stenosis and bulging discs, call or schedule an appointment online today.